
finding Balance and Harmony

What is Naturopathy?

Naturopathy is a system of healthcare founded on the belief that the body can heal itself. It is both an art and a science.

We are part of nature and should fit harmoniously in our natural environment.

A Naturopath does not ‘treat’ a disease., but rather, encourages the body’s own self-healing mechanisms mostly through natural therapies.

How does PhiNutriomics incorporate Naturopathy into its services?

PhiNutriomics’ Empowering Active Retreats are founded on naturopathic principles.

Naturopathy is not simply about using natural therapies and eating organic food. It is a way of life that sees us as one with nature.

Where our lifestyle supports vitality and healing. For example resting after an illness so we recuperate fully.

Where we give back to nature as much as we take.

‘Health is a state of being in equilibrium with nature’ Pavlov

Naturopathic Nutritional Therapists are informed by naturopathic philosophy.

I endeavour to reunite you with nature’s laws, for example respecting your circadian rhythm, to support your body’s self healing.

Your emotional, biochemical and structural states are equally important and I am trained in the use of several natural evaluation tools and modalities to achieve this.

Some of these tools and modalites, for example iridology and homeopathy are approved for use by two of my professional bodies.

Although my approach remains the same for all my clients, you can choose whether I use such modalities or not in your consultation.

Stimulate the vital force

Given the right conditions, the body heals itself. The healing force within all people can be stimulated (leading to good health) or surpressed (resulting in poor health).

Believe prevention is better than cure

Today, epigenetic studies confirm scientifcally that most diseases are clearly linked to diet, lifestyle and environment. These can be changed, or managed allowing the modulation of disease before it starts.

Find and rectify the cause, not surpress the symptom(s)

For example, if you have lower back pain, perhaps you should change your chair!



Treat the whole person not the disease

Disease stems from imbalance at the emotional, biochemical and structural levels. All of which need to be addressed to restore balance.

Regenerate the internal environment

The aim is not to prevent disease, but to encourage optimal health.


Need their clients’ help

Balance can only be restored if clients take responsibility in the healing process. This is important to achieve meaningful changes.

Naturopaths empower their clients so they understand their health, know how to maintain good health and how to avoid environmental and lifestyle influences that result in disease.
We are the manifestations of what we eat, drink, breathe, think and believe.
What we eat today becomes our body tomorrow.
Eat for Today, Live for Tomorrow.


Stimulate the vital force

Given the right conditions, the body heals itself. The healing force within all people can be stimulated (leading to good health) or surpressed (resulting in poor health).

Believe prevention is better than cure

Today, epigenetic studies confirm scientifcally that most diseases are clearly linked to diet, lifestyle and environment. These can be changed, or managed allowing the modulation of disease before it starts.

Find and rectify the cause, not surpress the symptom(s)

For example, if you have lower back pain, perhaps you should change your chair!


Treat the whole person not the disease

Disease stems from imbalance at the emotional, biochemical and structural levels. All of which need to be addressed to restore balance.

Regenerate the internal environment

The aim is not to prevent disease, but to encourage optimal health.


Need their clients’ help

Balance can only be restored if clients take responsibility in the healing process. This is important to achieve meaningful changes.

Naturopaths empower their clients so they understand their health, know how to maintain good health and how to avoid environmental and lifestyle influences that result in disease.
We are the manifestations of what we eat, drink, breathe, think and believe.
What we eat today becomes our body tomorrow.
Eat for Today, Live for Tomorrow.

Discover phinutriomics Retreats

nutritional therapy